That’s why we call it Brave

Making changes is never easy. We greatly admire your effort and courage

Meet the Team

Our Story

Starting as individual mentors, we saw the market is filled with low-quality and unaffordable training programs. Talents spend a lot of money and time but do not get anywhere. We think we can do better.

The Power in You

We believe you can accomplish amazing things. With professional guidance and additional resources, you can reach your goals faster and achieve more. That’s why we are convinced that mentorship is the right way to make it happen!

The Power of Community

Stepping into a new place — whether it's switching careers, graduating from school, or moving to a new country — can be intimidating. We've been there! That’s why we aim to build a supportive community where everyone can learn from others, especially from those who have already walked the path.

What we believe in

Visit Us

401 Bay Street
Toronto, M5H 2Y4

10 am–6 pm
